Be Open To Anything And Everything! Your March Horoscope Is Here!

Ready to learn?

By Lauren Payne | 29th February 2024

I hope you’re ready to learn something new this month because the stars have a lot to teach us! With a New Moon in Pisces on March 10, a Full Moon in Libra on March 25, and Aries season kicking off on March 20, a lot of us are in for a bit of a wild ride which, luckily, will eventually result in a lot of positive change. Whether you’re making new connections, changing your career path slightly, or focusing on yourself for a while, March will be full of lightbulb moments that you’ll want to pay attention to.

Ready to see what’s in store for you this month? Read on to discover what you’ll be learning over the next few weeks!

Hot tip: Always read horoscopes for your rising sign first, and then your sun sign. If you don’t know your rising sign, you can generate your birth chart for free online using your birth date, location, and time. If you know your exact birth time, your rising sign will be more accurate!

March 21 – April 19

At the beginning of the month, you may still feel like resting and recharging in your favourite place, but when Aries season starts on March 20, you’ll be full of main character energy! Embrace the spotlight and spend the rest of March celebrating and doing whatever it is you really want to be doing. Expect your social calendar to be very, very full!

April 20 – May 20

March will see you spending a lot of time with the people in your life who make you smile – the friends and people in your community who make you feel like your cup is always full. Then when Aries season begins on March 20, you’ll find yourself wanting to take care of your mental health more and make sure your daily schedule still leaves you with enough time to take care of yourself. We’re keeping all the cups full this month, people!

May 21 – June 20

You’re already a talker, let’s be honest, but this month you’ll be entering conversations with intention. At the beginning of the month, you’ll be talking to people about how you’d like to advance in your career and when the Sun moves into Aries, you may meet people either through friends or connections you’ve had for quite some time, who can help you get to where you want to go.

June 21 – July 22

Cancers are well-known for being kind, nurturing people and this month, you’ll be living up to that wonderful reputation. The New Moon on March 10 will kick off a new journey for you where you’ll either be taking someone under your wing or teaching a larger group. This may end up being a part of a new career step or may involve you simply sharing your wisdom from the comfort of your own home. You have wisdom to share, and people are ready to learn everything they can from you.

July 23 – August 22

You’re going through a period of internal transformation and during the New Moon on March 10, you may end up learning something new about yourself and you’ll want to know more. Whether it’s reading articles online, scouring the library for textbooks, or asking for advice, this month will be all about absorbing the information you need to grow even more than you already have!

August 23 – September 22

A conversation or experience you share with a close friend or partner will trigger a new journey of transformation and personal growth for you this month. It could lead you to a new source of income (did someone say side hustle?), that dream décor piece you’ve been pining over for years, or it could simply be a strong confidence boost that helps you move forward with something you’ve been too scared to pursue. Whatever it is, just remember that your friends and family will support you every step of the way!

September 23 – October 22

You’ve been thinking about your daily schedule quite a lot recently and exploring how you’d like to be living day-to-day. When Aries season begins on March 20, you’ll have a better grasp of what needs changing (if anything needs changing, of course) and can reach out to the specific people you need to talk to to make those changes happen. Eventually, everything will click into place, and you’ll feel more confident in the decisions you’ve made and the path you’ve chosen to head down.

October 23 – November 21

You’ve been spending a lot of time exploring your creativity recently and focusing on the projects that truly light you up inside. Of course, whilst doing this you may have become a bit of a hermit and people may be wondering where you’ve been all this time. So, when Aries season begins on March 20, re-emerge form your creativity cave and invite people into your world a bit more. You may find that some people want to get involved and make sure your creativity is consistently ignited.

November 22 – December 21

At the beginning of the month, you might feel like staying at home a fair bit and making sure your ducks are all in a row on that front before you head out and about during Aries season. With Aries being in your fifth house of joy and fun and the Full Moon on March 25 moving through your eleventh house of friendship and community, this is the perfect time to go to every dinner party, concert, picnic, and wine-tasting you’re invited to. People have missed you during your organisation phase, so now it’s time to grace them with your gorgeous presence!

December 22 – January 19

Lots of conversations are happening for you this month but pay special attention to the conversations you’re having around March 10. The New Moon in Pisces may trigger a conversation that could prove to be incredibly helpful for you and lead you to discover something new about yourself, your family, or even your job that you didn’t know before and could prove to be very beneficial for you. So, maybe keep your Notes app handy and jot down any important titbits from your conversations, just in case.

January 20 – February 18

Got an idea that you think could generate more income for you or you just really feel confident about? When March 20 rolls around, start chatting to people and telling them about your idea. You’ll likely end up finding people who want to help you move forward and can point you towards suppliers, experts and specialists who can make sure all your bases are covered before you dive in. Be prepared to learn and be open to new possibilities because the direction you think you should take with this new idea; may not exactly be the direction you’d be best to explore.

February 19 – March 20

We start the month of March in the middle of Pisces season, which means you’ve had the spotlight on you for quite some time already. You may not necessarily like having the spotlight on you all the time, but the New Moon on March 10 will make it all worth it because you’ll be beginning a new journey that could result in either more income for you or a stronger sense of self-confidence. Stay open to any and all possibilities and see where the winds take you.

By Lauren Payne When she’s not chewing your ear off about the full moon, Lauren can be found making playlists and sipping her third coffee of the day.



